Saints Alive

A forum for the exchange of opinions and information about the life of St. Joseph Ctholic Church in Plain City, Ohio.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Family Night

Our first Family Night "Saints Party" was a fun evening for adults as well as the youth. Over 50 people participated in the food, games, and walking rosary. The Saints were alive at St. Joseph. It once more proved how versitile the parish Acitivity Center is.

The Knights of Columbus Euchare party was also a hit. There was a lot of talk about doing it monthly. The PAC gives us opportunity for a lot of socials and fun events.


At 7:47 AM, Blogger Diana said...

sorry I missed it! Monthly sounds like a great idea. I'll be sure to attend as often as I can seeing Fr. Pat always needs more competitors...right Pam?

At 1:57 AM, Blogger Jodi said...

Rather than adult euchre parties, I would like to see more family events that would accomodate children of all ages. I hate to sound negative but the Knights Euchre party structure is such that once you start playing, you're stuck. You can't just play a hand and go home to your family; not everyone wants to play Euchre and drink beer until the wee hours of the morning. Mu husband likes euchre but when he's locked into playing for no less than 3 hours, he doesn't go to the parties because he values time with his family.

I'm glad the family night was a big success. I wanted to come with my son but I was not sure if there would be anything there for a 3 year old so I didn't try it. I did come by the PAC to drop off food for the Bishop's Blessing event and the ladies setting up for the family night were already in full swing and things looked great!

At 12:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like Jodi, I also like the idea of more Family Nights, but think we should also sometimes cater to the younger crowd as well. I had been planning on coming to this one, but was unable because my sister turned 40 and was depressed, so to not make my mother upset, I went to the birthday party instead. I've never played Euchare, but sitting around drinking beer and playing cards doesn't really excite me neither. If it's Strawberry Daiqueries and Uno or Go Fish, that might be another story. Maybe that could be a Women's Night event. Who knows? All in all, I too think the PAC is very versatile. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.


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