Saints Alive

A forum for the exchange of opinions and information about the life of St. Joseph Ctholic Church in Plain City, Ohio.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Sunday 5:00 Mass

After three weeks attendance is only averaging 20 people. If by the end of October we do not significantly increase that, we will cancel the Mass.


At 2:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am wondering if this mass attendence will increase when the youth program gets going. Then, hopefully the youth will attend this mass and stay for the youth program.

At 11:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not to change the subject, but along the lines of Mass at the PAC, I have noticed every week that the attendance at the 10:30 PAC Mass has been going downhill and have heard that the 8:30 is packed.

I was wondering if this is because many people just prefer to be in the actual church. On the other hand, I got to thinking that it is not the building that makes the church, it is the people. So, therefore, Jesus/God is present regardless of which building we are in. That's just my opinion.

Sadly, I also heard a rumor that some of the families may be intentionally staying away from the PAC because of being upset with the recent developments with the Religious Education program. I'm honestly hoping that is not true, but it does worry me a bit.

I hope we can all take the time to pray about the present situation. Let us not forget that we are all children of God. Let us build back up that warm and loving environment that we all love so much about being parishioners of St. Joseph, Plain City.

I've been wondering where God has been through all of this. He has been here all along waiting for us to reach for him.

When I was little and would be made fun of for one reason or another, I used to tell people that hurt my feelings, "God Lives in Your Heart." Well, let's just reach into our hearts for God, because he's waiting for us right now.

He is there to heal our pain, calm our anxieties, take on our burdens, and LOVE us unconditionally.

Please join me in praying for the St. Joseph Family. May God Be With You.

At 1:51 AM, Blogger Jodi said...

The 8:30 AM mass has been almost "standing room only" recently. However, I am wondering if part is because the Buckeyes games being on during 4:30 PM mass on Saturdays. Perhaps once college football wraps up, things will even out. I was at 4:30 PM mass last weekend and attendance was pretty good despite the game being in progress during mass. I know for my family 8:30 AM mass works best because our son is not always quite awake. We had to attend 4:30 PM one weekend and he was a grouch because it was his nap time.


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