Saints Alive

A forum for the exchange of opinions and information about the life of St. Joseph Ctholic Church in Plain City, Ohio.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Open Mind

I plan to use this site to communicate about everything that we are considering. Some of the ideas will likely go nowhere, but those that receive support and encouragement will become reality. I have no hidden agenda, so be prepared for anything.

This Fall, we will start up the Parish Activities Council. It will be the coordinating body for all parish committees and groups. I see us still operating in a loose fashion since some things fall under several different committees. We will need oversight for calendar and facilities use.

Some of the things that are in progress include: Scouting and relationship to Youth Ministry (Meeting on Aug 2, 7:00); Respect Life committee has new identity (LIGHT - Living in God's Holy Truth); Our next travel fund raiser will be Greece (March 13-23); and more in planning.


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