Saints Alive

A forum for the exchange of opinions and information about the life of St. Joseph Ctholic Church in Plain City, Ohio.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Mass Surveys

4:30 Mass attendees
Majority like 4:30 at Church
5 of 24 would consider Sunday 5:00

8:30 Mass attendees
12 of 29 preferred 8:30 or earlier Mass in Church
7 others indicated they would go to Evening Mass instead of proposed Sunday
10 would go with whatever was decided

10:00 Mass attendees
16 of 28 would pick 9:00, rest go at other times

11:30 Mass attendees
Evenly divided between 9:00, 11:00, and 5:00

Those who change Masses (indicated they attend more than one time slot)
Generalization: They seem to go at most convenient time and will adjust

General comments about use of Church preferred to PAC
Questions about CCD and Mass times

This is not about most votes
We will be sensitive to feelings of all
To get WIN-WIN we must be willing to consider all points.

4:30 Mass stays in Church
Early Mass in Church,: 8:00, or 8:30 (Actually we wouldn’t have to change the 8:30 since earliest with CCD between gives plenty of time. But Pancake Breakfast idea below would favor 8:00)
Coffee social in Church basement or Pancake breakfast by K of C in PAC: 8:00-9:30 (Probably once a month)
CCD Classes can be scheduled before Mass: 9:15 to 10:15, 9:30 to 10:45
Mass in PAC follows: 10:30 or 11:00
Need two hours between scheduled starting times for morning Masses: Organist needs to set up and rehearse, I need a little breather
Evening Mass in PAC: 5:00 or 6:00
Evening Mass in PAC to provide handicap access, parking, restrooms for Seniors
Sunday Evening Mass is not needed for capacity. Church seats 150, PAC seats 300: 2 Masses in Church and 1 in Pac equals 600 seats. Presently about 450 attending. Evening Mass may be a draw in the area.
Adult Enrichment and social follows Mass on Sunday Evening

We are going for the “Wisdom of Solomon” solution. I think Religious Education Committee will look at shorter CCD classes (1 hour or 1 ¼ hour). Right now, I want to verify that I've heard everyone's concerns and assure everyone we are working for the best solution.


At 9:34 AM, Blogger Sarah Reinhard said...

I say HUZZAH to the "wisdom of Solomon" and HOORAY to Pancake Breakfasts (guess I shouldn't read your blog while I'm hungry...)

There's just something about a first-thing-in-the-morning Mass on Sunday. However, as we stated before, we'll try whatever is decided.

At 12:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a thought...
I like the idea of a 6 PM Mass on Sunday instead of 5 PM because dinner could be over, and then one is free to stay for Adult Enrichment at 7 PM.
(I'm not hungry but I'm still thinking of food...)

Also, if parishioners are visiting family, it's easier to get back for a 6 PM Mass versus a 5 PM Mass.

At 1:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is not about the Mass times, but I wanted to get it posted as a recent comment and not get buried under an old date:
I am happy to read of an event to raise money for the new pro-life group, but VERY disappointed that we are seriously considering a "Las Vegas" type event with gambling tables. I think gambling has no place in a Catholic Church or Catholic facility!
First, it gives a very negative image of our Catholic Church to all the Plain City community;
Second, we have previously voted not to use "Bingo" or other gambling methods to raise money;
Third, the timing couldn't be worse,with the embarrassing sexual abuse scandal still fresh in people's minds. We need to RAISE the image of the Catholic Church, not drag it down further.

At 7:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the idea of an 8:00 mass!

At 10:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In response to 6:00 Mass on Sunday, so you can eat first; don't forget you need to fast for an hour before Mass for reception of communion.

I would like to see us somehow keep a Mass at 10:00 or 10:30 on Sunday morning, if the 9:00 and 11:00 Mass schedule is not going to work.

One thing we need to factor in for the Mass schedule, regardless of where the Masses are held, is to give the Choirs/Cantors plenty of time to set up and practice in order to play/sing angelically at Mass.

At 9:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Father Pat: It would help everyone to make a choice if they understand what some of the differences would be between Mass locations. I'm speaking of the worship service itself. For example:
Would masses in the PAC consist of using folding chairs without kneelers?
Would there be an organ @ PAC?

This information would aid those who prefer one format over another.

Regarding pancake breakfasts: speaking as a Knight of Columbus, I believe it would be possible and worthwhile to prepare the pancake breakfasts once per month, especially if we had a smaller time window (say less than 2 hours). It may be possible to do alternate months between the church basement and the PAC.

Vivat Jesu!


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